この度、コートヤード HIROOでアーティストTOMOKA による展覧会『The null』 展を開催します。
― コートヤード HIROO
The null:
with no value or effect 無価値な
a quantity of no importance とるに足らない
100日間その問いを続けた自分の結論は『the null』;文字通りの、「空っぽ」でした。
花瓶に花は咲かないけれど、 見渡せば花はそこらじゅうに咲いている。
「The null」あなたの中の価値と向き合う時間になれたら幸いです。
TOMOKA solo show『The null』____________
5月3日(火) - 28日(土) 12:00-19:00
コートヤード HIROO 3F ガロウ
〒106-0031 東京都港区西麻布4丁目21-2
The 100project, has been a record of each day for 100 days as a single picture and was started as a requiem to myself, to days of me consumed.
Wishing that I, myself was a one-of-a-kind special thing, but realizing that I am nothing more than consumer goods, just like products in the supermarket. So this work, a record of “me” and “my consumed life” is research which questions “can something be special even if it is an object of mass production”.
After 100 days of asking that question, my conclusion was "the null"; literally, "empty".
What is the value of art, me, and my life?
Is the value really attached to “me” or “a thing”??
A flower doesn’t bloom from a vase,
however if we carefully look around, flowers are everywhere.
“The null" I hope it will be a time for you to face the value within you.
TOMOKA solo show『The null』____________
May 3rd Tue.-28th Sat. 12:00-19:00
Closed on Sundays
Courtyard HIROO 3F garou
4-21-2 Nishiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0031 JAPAN

2012 慶應義塾大学文学部 美学美術史専攻 卒業
2017 Parsons The New school for Design Fine Arts 卒業
The Other Art Fair /Nov @ Torino, Italy
CENSORED KAWAII ‒eros is lovely- (Solo show) /Oct @ ARTnSHELTER Japan
Parsons BFA Fine Arts Thesis Show /May @ Parsons 25 East 13th street
Kawaii Gaze (Solo show) /March @Ouchi Gallery III
Parsons BFA Fine Arts Open Studio /March @ Parsons 25 East 13th street
HOME The 11th 100 Artists Exhibition /February @Ouchi Gallery
Parsons BFA Fine Arts Open Studio /November @Parsons 25 East 13th stree
The Day After Tomorrow /April @Parsons 25 East 13th street
5 x 7 /March @Parsons 25 East 13th street
WOT FOR /December @Parsons 25 East 13th street
Web: http://tomoka.world
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tomoka.world/
Contact: garou@cy-hiroo.jp