SOMA Collective EXHIBITION “新世界”
Closing Party:5月3日(金)18:00~21:00
Artist:POLYGON1993、Lighton、Lukas、Louis Dazy、Oelhan
SOMA Collective https://foundation.app/gallery/soma-collective
コートヤードHIROOは、UltraSuperNew Gallery、SomSoc Gallery、Nox Galleryと連携し、5名のフランス人アーティスト、POLYGON1993、Lighton、Lukas、Louis Dazy、OelhanによるSOMA Collectiveの展覧会「新世界」を開催いたしました。4つのギャラリーそれぞれにコンセプトがあり、異なる作品が展示されました。
絵画や原画など、伝統的なアートを紹介。限定版もあり(Edition 1:1)。クラシカルな美意識とクラフトマンシップを重視。
5名のフランス人アーティスト、POLYGON1993、Lighton、Lukas、Louis Dazy、OelhanによるSOMAコレクティブは、革新的な展示「新世界」を開催いたします。
SOMAコレクティブは、現代アートの限界に挑戦するアーティスト集団として、江原佐枝子、エクスカリバー、Dian & Emi Kusano、そして彼らの尊敬するパートナーである日本人アーティストと共に、彼らの作品を展示できることを光栄に思います。「新世界」は、芸術の多様性と創意工夫を称えるだけでなく、フィジカル・アートとデジタル・アートの融合が私たちの文化的景観を豊かにする未来への大胆な一歩でもあります。
SOMA Collective is proud to present "Shin Sekai," an innovative exhibition featuring the works of five French artists: POLYGON1993, Lighton, Lukas, Louis Dazy, and Oelhan. Held across four esteemed galleries in Tokyo - UltraSuperNew Gallery, SomSoc Gallery, Courtyard Hiroo, and Nox Gallery - "Shin Sekai" heralds a new era in artistic exploration, where the boundaries between physical and digital realms blur, and a new paradigm emerges.
In a world increasingly defined by the convergence of the tangible and the virtual, "Shin Sekai" endeavors to navigate the complex interplay between these realms, forging a path towards a future where both physical and digital artworks coexist harmoniously. Through a diverse array of mediums, including digital installations, mixed media artworks, photography, and traditional canvas works, the artists of SOMA Collective invite viewers to embark on a journey of discovery, where the familiar and the otherworldly intersect.
By blending elements of the physical and the virtual, the exhibition transcends traditional boundaries, inviting viewers to contemplate the fluid nature of reality and the transformative power of artistic innovation.
As an artist collective dedicated to pushing the boundaries of contemporary art, SOMA Collective is honored to showcase their works in collaboration alongside japanese artists Saeko Ehara, Excalibur, Dian & Emi Kusano with their esteemed partners. "Shin Sekai" represents not only a celebration of artistic diversity and ingenuity but also a bold step towards a future where the synthesis of physical and digital art forms enriches our collective cultural landscape.
Join us as we embark on this transformative journey into the "Shin Sekai" - a world where imagination knows no bounds and the possibilities are limitless.
We look forward to welcoming you to the "Shin Sekai" exhibition, where the past, present, and future converge in a symphony of creativity and innovation.
Concepts between galleries :
UltraSuperNew Gallery - The RE:UNION: Showcase of new works by Soma collective and collaborators. The Reunion between Soma and their friends. Focus on recent artistic endeavors and collaborations. Emphasis on innovation and contemporary expression.
Somsoc Gallery - The RE:SONANCE: Exhibition of past successful works defining Soma's identity. Retrospective display offering insights into Soma's artistic journey. Highlights key pieces that have shaped Soma's artistic identity.
Courtyard Hiroo - RE:NOUVEAU: Presentation of traditional art forms such as paintings and original drawings. Limited edition prints available (Edition 1:1). Focus on classical aesthetics and craftsmanship.
Nox Ebisu - RE:NAISSANCE: Exploration of the renaissance of digital art within Soma's portfolio. Emphasis on NFTs from the Soma team and collaborators. Likely to feature cutting-edge digital artworks pushing boundaries of expression.