On the 4th of April, Easter Sunday at Freyja no Heya, Courtyard we hosted an Easter workshop and Easter Egg hunt. I had remembered from childhood how fun and exciting easter egg hunts were and I was very happy to see that so many children from my class and new visitors felt the same way and were greatly anticipating the day.
We had two separate workshops on that day to accommodate everyone. During both workshops the children began by spraying, painting, decorating and attaching handles to their own papier mache Easter Egg basket that I had made in preparation. Once these were all finished and dried I took everyone outside, counted to three and everyone dispersed to find the sweets the Easter Bunny had hidden in the courtyard. After some time, when I thought they had mostly been found I took the children and parents to see the Freyja no Heya classroom and once again told them to find hidden sweets from the Easter Bunny, as before much screaming, laughing and running around occurred trying to find the sweets. I am very lucky to have really lovely students who although they were very excited, also helped each other find sweets and were all very happy and generous throughout the games, it was really lovely to see.

Finally, when the children had found and collected all the sweets in the baskets we made together, we all sat down for my homemade chocolate cake and a rest. After this at both workshops the children continued to play, look for sweets and we all took pictures together at the end.
Everyone had a wonderful time (including me) and many of the children wanted to stay and have since said they want to do it again.

Tel 03-6427-1185 Mail info@cy-hiroo.jp
フレイヤの部屋HP https://cy-hiroo.jp/freyja/